The various components of an Embedded System can be hierarchically grouped as System Level Components to Transistor Level Components. A system (subsystem) component is different than what is considered a "standard" electronic component. Standard components are the familiar active devices such as integrated circuits, microprocessors, memory, diodes, transistors, etc. along with passives such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors. These are the basic elements needed to mount on a circuit board for a customized, application-specific design.
A system component on the other hand, has active and passive components mounted on circuit boards that are configured for a specific task. (Fig. 3.1) System components can be either single- or multi-function modules that serve as highly integrated building blocks of a system. A system component can be as simple as a digital I/O board or as complex as a computer with video, memory, networking, and I/O all on a single board. System components support industry standards and are available from multiple sources worldwide.

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